Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Return of The Daily "How's Life" Post June 6, 2010...

Today is Sunday, June 6,2010 and it marks the return of my "How's Life" post. I haven't did this in a while, to be exact I haven't did this post since April 6, 2010 which marks a month exactly. For some reason I just had a thought that I should start this post back up. It was pretty random. But I had no clue that it's been a month since I did this post. But I just have the need to express how i've been living. Life has been going kinda cool. I'm still in a cool relationship with a wonderful girl, i've been in some pretty cool situations, had some cool experiences in and out of school, and my family life has been kinda ok. Overall i'm living a cool life. I'm grateful for what I have and have had throughout life. School has been crazy with this heat. People acting crazy because of it. For some reason they decided to make our finals the last week of school. But we all know why they did that stupid stuff. It's because they want us to suffer in that hot school with 10% of air (which is only in the new wing), and they knew we weren't going to come that last week of school. It wasn't a point of going but now we have to. I hate that school. But we shall move on with our lives. Out of school the experiences have been cool. I meen there has been problems, but when isn't there any. Yesterday was a cool day. I got to spend time with some people (including her). We was laughing and joking alot, took a fun ride on the road, chilled in my house, etc. Overall I had a chills and fun weekend. I'm really enjoying my life as of lately. Things happen but I can get over that. Until next time...signing out...A Cool Kid...

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